Audit of the Department of Defense Strategic Planning for Overseas Civilian Positions. Report No. DODIG-2022-036 , November 16 , 2021
From the report: "The DoD maintains a significant overseas civilian workforce to support active duty Service members and provide continuity as military units rotate in and out of theaters of operation. Although the DoD has identified the overseas civilian workforce as key to the DoD’s global mission success, the DoD faces additional considerations unique to the overseas hiring process that present challenges to hiring a sufficient and qualified overseas civilian workforce. Such considerations include limits on duration of employment, changes to U.S. tax law, and availability of living quarter allowances.
To effectively hire the overseas civilian workforce, the DoD must follow a number of Office of Personnel Management (OPM) regulations, including the Human Capital Framework (HCF), which are designed to ensure agency human capital programs support the agency mission, goals, and objectives through analysis, planning, investment, and measurement. Within the DoD, the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (OUSD[P&R]) provides overarching leadership and tools that align civilian hiring priorities and efforts across the DoD. In addition, each Military Department and DoD Component has a civilian human resources agency that works with local commands’ human resources officials to hire and retain personnel. Collectively these human resources agencies and officials are referred to as the workforce owners for personnel under their jurisdiction.
To accomplish these tasks, human resources officials from civilian human resources agencies use two systems: a personnel data system that tracks individual civilian employees (referred to as “faces”), including where they are stationed; and a manpower and authorizations data system that tracks authorized end strength, also known as billets (referred to as “spaces”). It is the responsibility of human resources officials within the Military Departments and DoD Components to ensure the information in these systems is correct and up to date.
For this audit, we selected a nonstatistical sample of 14 overseas duty stations across the Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, as well as the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), to review workforce statistics, such as vacancy rates and hiring timeframes as well as hiring policies and procedures."
Authors - Department of Defense Office of Inspector GeneralRelated Resources