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Cyber Personnel: Navy Needs to Address Accuracy of Workforce Data : Government Accountability Office (GAO) , May , 2024

May 2024

Government Accountability Office (GAO)

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In response to a National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) mandate, the Center for Naval Analyses issued studies on civilian and military cyber career paths in October 2021 and April 2022, respectively. The two studies made a total of 31 recommendations. GAO determined that 26 of the 31 recommendations have been implemented or are in the process of being implemented.

The Navy faces continuing challenges with data as it works to strengthen its cyber workforce. GAO attempted to determine the structure and composition of the Navy’s military and civilian workforce but found that the underlying data were unreliable. For example, Navy officials stated that the Navy’s civilian cyber workforce data are stored in two different data systems, and the data in both systems differ. This has caused civilian workforce data to show inaccurately high vacancy rates, among other things. Officials said they are in the process of reconciling the data in the systems and addressing accuracy challenges. GAO previously reported in 2019 on similar accuracy issues related to data on Department of Defense (DOD) cyber work roles and position descriptions. GAO recommended that DOD review work roles and position descriptions for accuracy. DOD concurred with this priority recommendation and has taken steps but has not fully implemented it.



Government Accountability Office (GAO)


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