Commission on PPBE Reform 2023 Interim Report , August , 2023
From the executive summary: "Section 1004 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 created an independent “Commission on PPBE Reform” and directed the Commission to assess all four phases of the PPBE process and make recommendations for improvements with findings in an Interim and Final Report. To fulfill this directive, the Commission and its staff have completed more than 560 interviews to date gaining insight from experts in the PPBE process and related fields that include current and former personnel from Congress, the DoD, industry, academia, and research organizations. The Commission has also benefited from research performed both by its own staff and several outside research organizations. Finally, the Commission has held 29 formal meetings and has heavily relied on the knowledge and experience of its 14 Commissioners and the Commission staff. Based upon the research and analysis conducted to date, the Commission has concluded that the PPBE process can be improved in ways that better accomplish the five broad goals articulated above. This Executive Summary describes potential recommendations on which the Commission seeks additional stakeholder feedback and key actions that can be implemented now (see Summary Tables below for a list). The text of the Interim Report articulates additional potential recommendations and actions for implementation which can be found in summary in Section IX."
Authors - Commission on Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution ReformSubjects
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