Air Force Instruction 63-101/20-101. Integrated Life Cycle Management. Sections 3.10 (Risk-Based Program Management and Decision Making); 4.13 (Risk Management Plans and Risk Planning); 7.7 (Information Assurance); 7.8 (Certification and Accreditation) , June 30 , 2020
From the document: "This publication implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 63-1/20-1, Integrated Life Cycle Management. This instruction establishes the Integrated Life Cycle Management guidelines and procedures for Air Force (AF) personnel who develop, review, approve or manage systems, subsystems, end-items, services, and activities (for the purpose of this publication referred to as programs throughout this document) procured under Department of Defense (DoD) 5000 series instructions comprising the Defense Acquisition System. Additionally, this AF Instruction (AFI) implements the Office of Management and Budget Circular A-11, Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget; Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 2000.25, DoD Procedures for Reviewing and Monitoring Transactions Filed with the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS); DoDI 3020.41, Operational Contract Support (OCS); DoDI 3200.19, NonLethal Weapons (NLW) Human Effects Characterization; DoDI 3200.20, Scientific and Engineering Integrity; DoDI 4151.19, Serialized Item Management for Life Cycle Management of Materiel; DoDI 4151.20, Depot Maintenance Core Capabilities Determination Process; DoDI 4151.21, Public-Private Partnerships for Product Support; DoDI 4151.22, Condition Based Maintenance Plus for Materiel Maintenance; DoDI 4245.14, DoD Value Engineering (VE) Program; DoDI 5000.02, Operation of the Adaptive Acquisition Framework, DoDI 5000.02T, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System; DoDI 5000.60, Defense Industrial Base Assessments; DoDI 5000.67, Prevention and Mitigation of Corrosion on DOD Military Equipment and Infrastructure; DoDI 5000.69, DoD Joint Services Weapon and Laser System Safety Review Process; DoDI 5134.16, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering (DASD(SE)); DoDI 5200.39, Critical Program Information (CPI) Identification and Protection Within Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E); DoDI 5200.44, Protection of Mission Critical Functions to Achieve Trusted Systems and Networks (TSN); DoDI 8320.04, Item Unique Identification (IUID) Standards for Tangible Personal Property; and DoDI 8320.06, Organization Unique Identification (OUID) Standards for Unique Identification of External Department of Defense Business Partners. This publication also implements DoDI 5000.85, Major Capability Acquisition and DoDI 5000.88, Engineering of Defense Systems."
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