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2023 Governmentwide Management Report , 2023

From the report: “The 2023 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) is an opportunity for Federal employees to share their opinions and perceptions about their work experiences. An organizational climate survey, data from the FEVS allow assessment of how employees view their current work environment, including management, workplace policies, and new initiatives. Climate assessments provide insights into performance and are important tools for identifying ways to improve workplace effectiveness. At a governmentwide level, FEVS results provide information that can help shape current and future policies. Finally, participation in the FEVS satisfies the mandate for each agency to survey its employees under the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (5 USC 31, 41, 43, 45, 53)1 and detailed in accompanying regulation 5 CFR 250 subpart C.2 This report presents the results from the governmentwide 2023 FEVS, highlighting agency improvements throughout.”

Authors - Office of Personnel Management



Office of Personnel Management


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