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Patricia J. Zarodkiewicz

President, PatZconsulting, LLC

Management and Governance

Pat Zarodkiewicz, President, PatZconsulting, LLC, provides national security, organizational dynamics and leadership consulting to private and federal markets. In addition to her consulting, she currently serves on the Aerospace Corporation’s Board of Trustees, the Board of Advisors for the Intelligence & Security Academy LLC, and is an advisor to Core4ce, LLC. She is a retired Senior Executive with nearly 34 years of experience in the Department of the Air Force. In her final USAF position as the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force (SAF/AA), she provided advice to the Secretary of the Air Force and Chief of Staff on executive personnel and Headquarters management, and led an organization responsible for over $5.6 billion annually, and supported 37,000 people. As the Air Force’s Senior Security Official, she led the Air Force’s insider threat program, information, personnel and industrial security policy, and provided oversight of Special Access Programs. Pat served as the Acting Under Secretary for five months in 2017 and was the senior transition official for the Air Force. She served as the Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee for the $6 million DOD Concessions Committee and was the Chair and Board Member of the Air Force Board of Military Corrections. Prior to her SAF/AA role, Pat served as the Deputy Administrative Assistant to the SECAF and was the Principal Deputy Financial Management and Comptroller for two years. She served as the Deputy Director of the Headquarters Staff. Her previous positions include Deputy for Budget, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Financial Management and Comptroller (SAF/FMB), the Deputy Comptroller and Comptroller, HQ Air Force Material Command, and the Director of Budget Investment, SAF/FMBI. Her career includes 20 years of experience in financial management at base, Major Command and Headquarters. Pat was a Distinguished Graduate in 1995 from the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, graduating with a M.S. in National Resource Strategy and her studies focused on space programs. Pat has a Master of Arts in International Affairs from American University, and a B.A. in economics and political science from the University of Rochester. She attended the Seminar XXI program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Pat’s leadership was recognized with two Meritorious Presidential Rank Awards, one Distinguished Presidential Rank Award, the Air Force Exceptional Service award, the Navy Superior Public Service Award and the Army Meritorious Public Service Award.
