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Cortney Weinbaum


Management and Governance, Organization and Alignment, Performance Management

Cortney Weinbaum (she/her) is a senior management scientist at the RAND Corporation. She has led projects across defense agencies on management and organizational issues, including how organizations align their organization and functions to their mission, how incentives are used to achieve results, how stakeholders are included in the organization’s processes and functions, and how a culture of continuous improvement can be created and nurtured. She has facilitated leadership teams in developing performance management dashboards to create a data-driven decision-making culture; and she has developed alignments between resources and mission so organizations can monitor whether budget and other resources are supporting the highest priority mission areas. She has twenty years of experience, and her primary focus tends to be organizations with advanced technology missions, including space organizations, cyber organizations, and S&T organizations; and intelligence organizations. Before joining RAND, Weinbaum worked for ten years as a management consultant supporting senior leaders at defense and intelligence agencies. Weinbaum led two teams to receive the Director of National Intelligence’s Meritorious Unit Citation for advancing the Intelligence Community’s knowledge of two intractable intelligence topics.
